However, many computer hard drives also contain what's called a recovery partition. On a new computer, for example, the onboard hard drive will already be partitioned with one main volume ( usually called C: on a PC). Most data storage devices are already partitioned when you buy them. Moreover, even an empty hard drive needs to have at least one partition to create the logical "container" needed for storing files. It creates logical sections within the drive that can be accessed separately on your machine.

The verb "partition" simply means " to divide into parts," and that's exactly what partitioning a drive does. Up ahead, we'll show you how to partition a USB drive on both PC and Mac, and we'll talk about a few things you should know before you get started. Sometimes, when you're organizing or reformatting your digital storage, it might be necessary to reset or change the partitions on a USB drive. Almost everyone uses partitioned drives every day, and most of us don't think twice about it! These digital divisions separate hard drives into separate logical volumes, and they're an important part of the basic structure of how hard drives store information. Partitions are an essential part of any kind of digital hard drive storage.